Thursday, July 30, 2020

An entire CO2-free city by 2030

GREEN Solar and Siemens Energy sign an agreement to develop the concept in Herzogenrath, with 46,000 residents, in the Cologne region, Germany.

When planning, building and operating a renewable energy farm in the area of ​​sand miner Nivelsteiner Sandwerke, the city of Herzogenrath plans to meet its energy demand with zero CO2 emissions by 2030. A cooperation agreement between GREEN Solar Herzogenrath GmbH and Recently signed Siemens Energy provides for the development of an economically viable concept for submitting from the state of North Rhine-Westphalia to the German federal government and the European Union, with a view to obtaining project funding for this former mining region located between Aachen, in Germany, and the Netherlands.

Built on a solar farm already operated by GREEN Solar, the project involves, among other things, the expansion of solar energy generation and the construction of several wind turbines. The energy generated from renewable sources will be stored and, in periods when there is no production from the sun and wind, converted into electricity and supplied to consumers in Herzogenrath, a city of 46 000 inhabitants. The heat produced by these processes, as well as that generated from renewable sources, will be used to provide local families with “green” heat through district heating networks.

The "CO2-free Herzogenrath" conceptual project envisages not only making the generated electricity available to city homes, but also enabling its use for the growing number of electric vehicles. Local industrial companies must also be incorporated into the project through decarbonisation activities.

Specifically, the concept aims to provide the most energy efficient connection, with the most economical combination of solar power plants, wind turbines, batteries, cogeneration (CHP) and combined cycle plants, as well as heat storage systems and hydrogen. This also includes all logistics to transport energy to end users, based on their demand.

A hydrogen production facility is also under construction. With the help of Siemens' Silyzer 300 technology, the excess electricity will be converted into hydrogen by electrolysis, and then stored or used for car operation. This hydrogen can also be used to “decarbonize” trucks, buses, trains and industrial plants - for example, by Nivelsteiner Sandwerke, for drying sand without CO2 emissions.

"The energy farm may be operated by an operating company yet to be established by GREEN Solar", comment Franz-Josef Türck-Hövener and Charles Russel, directors of GREEN Solar, in a joint statement. "Not only will the Herzogenrath Energy Farm be an important and sustainable step towards successful structural changes in the region, but it will also make the city known nationally and internationally as a precursor and technological leader in the transition to a new energy mix". For Siemens project manager Thomas Neuenhahn, "this is a 'beacon' project for a successful energy transition in Germany, which has international appeal". Siemens Energy is expected to provide the project with flexible and decentralized energy solutions, such as battery storage to balance supply and demand and hydrogen generation technologies.

GREEN Solar Herzogenrath belongs to the energy and water company EWV Energie- und Wasser-Versorgung GmbH and N.S.W. Energy GmbH (subsidiary of the mining company Nivelsteiner Sandwerke und Sandsteinbrüche GmbH), as well as the city of Herzogenrath. GREEN Solar operates in the city which is the largest photovoltaic plant in North Rhine-Westphalia, with a capacity of more than 14 MW, supplying energy to more than 4500 families.

Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Blockchain to play key role in South Korea's economic revitalization

Blockchain technology could boost several economic areas in the country, such as online voting, donations, social welfare and renewable energy

Despite not citing terms like “decentralization”, blockchain technology is within the scope of the South Korean government.

In a new stimulus package, the country's government is focusing on two pillars: the “new digital agreement” and the “new sustainable agreement” to extract value from emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence, 5G and blockchain and have a low economy carbon content, respectively.

According to the local website Chosun, blockchain technology is being used in both agreements. The areas of online voting, donation, social welfare, renewable energy, finance, real estate transactions and “friendly” projects are some of the areas that will use distributed structures.

The energy sector will be the main focus of the sustainable agreement, as public records will facilitate transactions between energy generation companies, along with billing and renewable energy contract agreements.

A blockchain-based online voting system is expected to be used in the 2022 presidential elections.

Distributed identity services are also a focus: verification of driver's licenses and a decentralized identification service already in use are based on a public blockchain system.

Moon Jae-in, president of South Korea, estimates that these deals will result in the creation of nearly two million jobs in the next five years. More than 160 trillion Korean Won (or $ 133 billion) will be invested in the stimulus package.

All this innovation was only possible after the approval of an amendment in March of this year, which made the negotiation of crypto assets legal in the country.

In addition, in April of this year, the country's central bank, Bank of Korea, launched a pilot program to test a digital Won and plans to launch it by the end of 2021.

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Monday, July 20, 2020

French central bank selects eight candidates for testing crypto solutions

After carrying out tests of a digital euro with Société Générale, the central bank of France chose a list of candidates to test different applications of a digital currency.

On Monday (20), Banque de France, the central bank of France, announced that it had selected eight candidates as part of a major initiative to test cryptocurrency solutions.

The central bank said the experiments will cover numerous areas - although not necessarily in the scope of transferring crypto-assets - and will begin "in the next few days".

The list of candidates includes major banks, among other companies:

- Accenture;
- Euroclear;
- Iznes;
- LiquidShare;
- ProperUS;
- Seba Bank;
- FORGE of Société Générale.

“The experiments proposed by the selected candidates will allow (i) to explore new methods for exchanging financial instruments (outside cryptography) to central bank money, (ii) to test the central bank's regulation of digital money to improve conditions for making payments and (iii) revisit the mechanisms to make central bank money available, ”said the central bank.

The Block had previously reported that France's central bank was testing a digital euro.

Banque de France conducted this experiment with Société Générale, one of the participants in the new program. Société Générale has already focused on numerous projects focusing on blockchain, including asset tokenization.

In its statement this Monday, Banque de France stated: "the lessons learned from these experiments will result in a direct contribution to the more global reflection led by the Eurosystem in relation to a digital currency issued by the central bank".

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Sunday, July 12, 2020

Eleição Americana: "hispânicos" poderão decidir os destinos do país

Recentemente o U.S. Census Bureau divulgou que os "hispânicos" registram um novo recorde de quase 61 milhões de habitantes. "Hispânicos" representam uma nova "etnia" criada pela burocracia da imigração americana, originária de 20 países de diferentes culturas, cujos traços de união são o idioma espanhol e (na sua maioria) a antipatia pelo Presidente Ronald Trump, o que acreditam seja recíproca.

"Uma análise do Pew Research Center dos dados recém-divulgados descobriu que a população hispânica em 2019 era de 60,6 milhões, um aumento de 930.000 em relação a 2018. Ela saltou cerca de 10 milhões em nove anos." Em 2016, esse grupamento social votou a favor de Hillary Clinton, na proporção de 66% a 28% para Trump. Há uma percepção dos candidatos e seus executivos responsáveis pelas respectivas campanhas que os ditos "hispânicos" poderão decidir os destinos do país.

Os mexicanos representam cerca de 60% dos ditos "hispânicos" e vivem principalmente no Texas e na Califórnia. Os porto-riquenhos vivem predominantemente em Nova York e são cidadãos americanos enquanto os dominicanos dividem-se entre Nova York e a Flórida, onde os cubanos são maioria.

"Nas eleições presidenciais de novembro de 2020, os 'hispânicos' serão, pela primeira vez, o maior grupo étnico do eleitorado, ao representarem 13% dos eleitores, segundo o instituto Pew." Esse grupamento étnico poderá decidir a eleição de 2020, considerando as decisões do Presidente Trump ao enrijecer os procedimentos de contenção da imigração ilegal e bloqueando a entrada de imigrantes legais.

Até o início da crise do CoronaVírus, os Republicanos contavam como certa a reeleição do Presidente. Seu grande trunfo era a economia que atravessava um momento de grande euforia. Pleno emprego, crescimento do PIB, corte de impostos para empresas, além de medidas para redução da burocracia e de incentivo para produção dentro do país, fizeram com que houvesse uma geração de valor no mercado financeiro americano.

Com o aparecimento da pandemia a economia derreteu, enquanto a maneira errática do Presidente na condução das medidas de contenção do vírus fizeram com que a vantagem inicial fosse desidratando, de sorte que as pesquisas de opinião recentes refletem uma clara vantagem do ex-Vice Presidente Joe Biden, candidato Democrata.

É bem verdade que faltam quase quatro meses para o dia da eleição, portanto o jogo ainda não está jogado, mas a grande maioria dos analistas políticos acreditam que a tendência é que o Democrata consolide sua maioria nos chamados "swing states", o que lhe asseguraria sua vitória no colégio eleitoral. A confirmar-se esse cenário, Donald Trump entraria para o desconfortável grupo de apenas 4 Presidentes que não conseguiram a reeleição nos últimos 100 anos.

Thursday, July 2, 2020

The YEM Foundation Has Launched A World-Class Digital Currency Exchanger!

After more than a year of intensive research, development, and programming, the YEM Foundation has officially launched its state-of-the-art exchange that will further enhance the stability and liquidity of “Your Everyday Money” (YEM).

After more than a year of intensive research, development, and programming, the YEM Foundation has officially launched its state-of-the-art exchange that will further enhance the stability and liquidity of Your Everyday Money (YEM).

During the unveiling of the exchange by the CEO of Unicorn Network, Mrs. Cate a webinar held on July 1, 2020, she showed members an overview/tour of the amazing features of the exchanger.

As expected, the announcement of the YEM exchange gave a huge spike to the price of YEM with an increase of over 3.5%. You would recall that prior to the launching of the YEM exchanger, the price of YEM was trading at 0.9307 cents per YEM, after the announcement, we saw the price of one YEM trading at $1.0729 which is just the beginning of better things ahead according to a passionate YEM holder who to preferred to keep her name anonymous.

Below are some of the things the CEO outlined during the webinar:

1. “There are several levels depending on your verification, after log in, click on your PerNum in the upper right corner to view your PROFILE and see your level. Yes, you can use the YEM Exchange on a limited basis without a Verified SafeZone Pass.”

2. “To fund your wallet, you simply go to the WALLETS area in the YEM Exchange and you deposit funds directly from there. You do NOT need to go to your PerNum Wallet to deposit to the YEM Exchange.”

3. “To SELL order on the Exchange (Click on TRADE in the menu)… you will submit a SELL Order, it will be automatically fulfilled based on what is available.”

4. “To BUY order on the Exchange (Click on TRADE in the menu)… you will submit a BUY Order, it will be automatically fulfilled based on what is available.”