Tuesday, June 9, 2020

The Power Of Real Currency

Why Your Local Currency Has No Value Anymore

Rainbow Currency with the trading symbol (YEM), is a Recognized Digital Currency by the European Union as a Substitute for EUR/USD acting as a unit of value/Mode of payment for thousands of merchants worldwide.

YEM is powered by its own private blockchain called TWNKLCHAIN (www.twnklchain.com)

YEM is the only Digital Currency that is used to purchase Tcoins which are other alternate coins within the SafeZone/Unicorn Network.

SafeZone/Unicorn Network are subsidiaries company of United American Capital Corporation (UAC).

Some of the altcoins you could buy/purchase with YEM are as follows:

1. Twnkl Estate Coin (TEC)www.twnkl.estate

2. Twnkl Vacation Coin (TVC) www.ivc.travel

3. Twnkl Mobility Car (TMC) www.twnklcars.com

4. Twnkl Shopping Coin (TSHC) www.twnkl.shop

5. Solar Energy Token (SOLR) www.solario.online and many many more!

You could purchase digital products such as E-book, Electronic gadgets, etc with YEM at https://eeboox.com or www.yem.deals and many other shopping sites coming soon.

The purchasing power of YEM is mind-boggling because YEM has its own economy circle where you could spend YEM as real money thus, the huge demand for YEM. This is one of the reasons there is always a constant spikes in the price of YEM regularly.

YEM is regulated by the seven elected members board of directors of YEM Foundation, each of them representing the seven continents of the world.

Every 7 days, the YEM Foundation releases or set a new minimum rate at which YEM must be traded. Meaning that no matter what happens around YEM within the specified period of days, the price of YEM wouldn’t go below the set minimum rate. This is what we called “safety net” for all YEM holders (Investors and businesses alike).

When you convert your Fiat (local currency) to YEM, few things are sure; (i) a steady increase in value (ii) safety of your investment (STABILITY).

There is so much more you could do with YEM.

If you haven’t joined or you have no YEM in your wallet kindly click here - https://www.safe.zone/1000000133

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